Friday, August 31, 2012

Evil dumpster animal part 2

One night as we were walking back from our car, we walked past the dumpster. I  glanced over and saw the most gigantic RAT I have ever seen. Like cat size! Again, I scream and run, Jordan stands there, and I go back to him. By this time the huge rat had hoped off to the side and into more light where you could see that is is a gross POSSUM! I thought that a raccoon was bad but a possum! We live in a gross zoo! Gag!


  1. And to think I was excited to visit! If it wasn't for human baby girl Robbins, I'm not so sure I would be staying with you!

  2. hahah i love you meg. you crack me up. miss you woman!

  3. our white poodle, Ferguson, caught a possum in his mouth. He came to the back door like I was going to let him in with his new friend. He killed the possum, but thankfully did not eat it!
    Gteart aunt to baby girl Robbins
