Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I am officially full term this week! I am so excited to have this baby! I have loved being pregnant... until the last few weeks. I have heart burn almost 24/7, my feet are so swollen and sore, my right hip/groin hurts to move and makes it really hard to sleep, my lower back hurts after 30 minutes of walking or doing anything really, a lot of foods are making me sick and I am starting to get really bad back cramps. But soon it will all be over! I just want my mom (and maybe my mother-in-law) to get here so we can finish the baby's room, buy a car for me, and have this poor nameless girl human!

1 comment:

  1. You look so pretty prego!!!:) Sounds so painful! Way to make me nervous!!!! Cant wait for you to have your beautiful baby!
