Saturday, October 6, 2012

THE story.

I am sure most of you have heard at least most of the birth story, but it is pretty cool so I will tell it again. Jordan told me for weeks that I could have the baby anytime except Saturday the 15th at night because that was the BYU vs Utah game! So, of course, a quarter into the game (at about 9 or 10pm), my water broke. I had been having contractions for a week but I couldn't feel them! The doctors were shocked at my appointments that the contractions were less than 5 mins apart and I was dilated to a 2 but I couldn't feel anything! After my water broke, I was still barely feeling anything but we left for the hospital. Fast forward an hour or two...contractions are almost constant and they hurt soooooo bad. I wanted to see if I could do it natural and with contractions that strong and constant, I was sure I had almost done it. I was at a 2.5. I got an epidural and got a little sleep and at 8, it was time to get this cute baby out!!  She was born at 9:38am, 7lbs 14 oz and 21 in long. She came out crying (I imagine that would give you a huge headache!) I had a great support team of my mom and Jordan who forgave me for being rude a few times! We stayed in the hospital for two days in our own huge private suite! It was like a hotel room more than a hospital! I had some really nice nurses and being in a hospital at night is the worst. Add a newborn and a first time mom and I really had no sleep at all!!
It is amazing how quickly you forget the pain and the sleep deprivation and I would do it all over again 10 times for my sweet baby Amelia.

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