This is how you will find us almost every night! Oh, yes! We are crazy party married people watching sitcoms in our snuggies!! Jordan sports BYU and I rock the pink.
We also love playing games. My favorite is Settlers of Catan with a group or Lost Cities with just us. Jordan's favorite is probably Settlers too in a group or Bang and his favorite two person is Carcasone. We play average of one game a day!
We have recently gotten interested in camping and hiking!
I love playing catch because I was so so sooo bad at it and I am starting to get better!! I am really enjoying it now and Jordan has fun throwing me pop flys and grounders!
I just love being with that cute man!
Hi Meagan! We found you! Haleigh and I are now going to follow you! I can't believe you are married! Wasn't yesterday when we were on our church history trip!? Are you going to southern cal. over the summer again? If not you should come visit us in Northern Cal!