Sunday, November 14, 2010

a day for the books

We are running late for church just like normal but we can not find a place to park. The lot was full and the streets surrounding the building were full but we drove around and found a spot. It is always hard to find a spot but today was especially bad. We peek in the chapel to find a spot and it is packed. Jordan made a joke about how maybe we had a general authority speaking. We are looking in the overflow to find a seat when it hits me... we were asked to this kid's mission farewell! I told Jordan and he just says, "Well, let's do it."
So we go sit on the stand and remember our topic, gratitude. The other guy is going first so we are just preparing and trying to come up with scriptures as fast as possible. I was red and sweating like crazy but then I calmed down and I was freezing cold and clammy. Awesome. He ends up only leaving us like 20 minutes and both of us still have to talk and the Stake President wanted to say a few words and there was a song planned between us too that they ended up canceling. My talk was probably just five minutes long but that is really a the time we had. Jordan is such a great speaker he gave an awesome talk still. (He keeps making fun of my talk! You know it was bad then because he is so sweet to me!) Then while Jordan was talking, my sickness kicks in and I CANNOT stop coughing. I almost have in under control when this little lady on the front row offers me a cough drop so we had an awkward pass off there but I didn't care anymore. Is anything awkward at that point??
When the counselor in the bishopric was announcing the program, he said something about "a look on your face when you see you are speaking". In relief society, a few women said things like, "You are so nice to give a talk they never told you about." I didn't say anything. If that's what they got out of what he said, I'm fine with that! Oh, man. What a day. I'm glad that is over. This is like my worst fear!


  1. I'm sure you guys rocked it. Sounds like an adventure though...

  2. haha scary! That is one of my worse nightmares too! Good job for suffering through it!
